Vidara Placeholder 600 hoog
Vidara Placeholder 600 hoog

Our Color Laboratory

Our color laboratory in France specializes in analyzing dyes and pigments for many applications such as detergents, plastics, paints, paper, cosmetics, agri-food, etc. We provide customized solutions by supporting our customers and partners with analysis and controlling mixtures of pigments and dyes.

Color Labs Capabilities

  • Formulation of pigment concentrates in aqueous or fatty phases according to specifications (shades, standards, technical constraints)
  • Screening of raw materials (pigments, colorants, formulation additives)
  • Creation of color libraries
  • Shade formulation/counter-typing
  • Technical support.


  • Spectrophotometer CM 3600d - KONICA MINOLTA - Reflectance and transmission color measurements.

  • UV-visible spectrometer Lambda 365 – PERKIN ELMER - Determination of the dye quantity in solution.

  • pHmeter - METTLER TOLEDO -SevenEasy - pH measurement.

  • Brookfield DV1 Viscometer - Low viscosity measurement.
  • Moisture Analyzer – OHAUS – MB90 - Measurement of the dry extract.

  • Refractometer - KERN ORT 1RS - Refractive index measurement.

  • Disc mill - AUTOMATIC MULLER - Type 2000 - Grinding of pigments in small quantities (1-2 gr approx.).

  • Automatic film applicator with vacuum table and pump – TQC SHEEN - Paint/varnish application on contrast cards.

  • Motor with dissolver disc Basket mill - Preparation of pigment concentrates (1-2 L).
Coating & Inks Photo Series 1

Vidara's Application Laboratories

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