Our Color Laboratory
Our color laboratory in France specializes in analyzing dyes and pigments for many applications such as detergents, plastics, paints, paper, cosmetics, agri-food, etc. We provide customized solutions by supporting our customers and partners with analysis and controlling mixtures of pigments and dyes.
Color Labs Capabilities
- Formulation of pigment concentrates in aqueous or fatty phases according to specifications (shades, standards, technical constraints)
- Screening of raw materials (pigments, colorants, formulation additives)
- Creation of color libraries
- Shade formulation/counter-typing
- Technical support
- Spectrophotometer CM 3600d - KONICA MINOLTA - Reflectance and transmission color measurements.
- UV-visible spectrometer Lambda 365 – PERKIN ELMER - Determination of the dye quantity in solution.
- pHmeter - METTLER TOLEDO -SevenEasy - pH measurement.
- Brookfield DV1 Viscometer - Low viscosity measurement.
- Moisture Analyzer – OHAUS – MB90 - Measurement of the dry extract.
- Refractometer - KERN ORT 1RS - Refractive index measurement.
- Disc mill - AUTOMATIC MULLER - Type 2000 - Grinding of pigments in small quantities (1-2 gr approx.).
- Automatic film applicator with vacuum table and pump – TQC SHEEN - Paint/varnish application on contrast cards.
- Motor with dissolver disc Basket mill - Preparation of pigment concentrates (1-2 L).