Vidara’s Human Nutrition Team
Our Human Nutrition team aims to make nutritious, quality products available to as many people as possible. To this end, it focuses on being an intermediary between the suppliers of raw materials and finished goods manufacturers. We create, produce, and market functional Human Nutrition ingredients, while representing some of the best food ingredient manufacturers globally.
VidaraBlend: Customized Food Solutions for Every Client
Vidara develops its food solutions (VidaraBlend) based on the specific requirements of each customer, product, and market. The process is confidential, considering the final product, industrial processes, and available raw materials to meet client needs.
Our Laboratory Capabilities
- Creating customized texturizing and stabilizing solutions based on formulation and process needs.
- Assisting clients in the industrial implementation of our solutions.
- Reproducing most dairy, meat, beverage, and sauce processes on a pilot scale.
- Characterizing the rheological behavior of foods and solutions using texture and viscosity measurement equipment.
- Conducting accelerated physical stability studies.
- Identifying and quantifying hydrocolloids and other ingredients using optical microscopy.
- Performing color analysis.
Food Lab & Pilot Plants
At Vidara’s Food Lab & Pilot Plants, we design technological solutions for processed foods that allow the development of new products, solve technical challenges, and improve formulation and production costs. All solutions are tailored to provide the best recipe, optimize application costs, and meet customer needs such as:
- Development of new products
- Cost reduction in formulation and production
- Texture & stability control
- Process improvement or increased performance
Activities in Vidara’s Food Lab & Pilot Plants
- Customized texturizing and stabilizing solutions based on formulation and process requirements
- Tailor-made solution samples and final food applications
- Showroom and test bench facilities for customers
- Global screening, characterization, and approval of raw materials
- End product quality control

Equipment in Vidara’s Pilot Plants
Simulating Key Food Industry Processes
In Vidara’s pilot plants, we have the necessary equipment to simulate key processes in the food industry for meat, dairy, beverages, and sauces:
- Tubular heat exchanger for pasteurization and UHT treatments.
- Homogenizer
- Laminar flow cabinet for aseptic filling.
- Incubation chambers for fermented products.
- Curdling vat
- Cooking machines
- Meat mixers
- Grinders
- Bowl choppers
- Injection machine
- Steam oven
- Stuffer machine
- Marinade tumblers

Advanced Laboratory Equipment for Analyzing Food Solutions
Vidara’s food laboratory is equipped to analyze key parameters of the solutions offered to our clients:
- Texture analyzer
- Viscometer
- Viscoamilograph
- Colorimeter
- Physical stability analyzer
- Optical microscope for identification of hydrocolloids.
- Auxiliary equipment such as vibrating sieves, thermostatic baths, high-speed mixers, kitchen robots, centrifuges, and vacuum packaging machines.